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  1. A Few Updates

    Sunday, February 2, 2025



    Hi people.  The Eat Drink Laugh show at Pangea two Fridays ago was great.  We performed for an almost full house which was wonderful.  It had me buzzing for a few days following the show.



    Next Tuesday, February 4th from 7-8pm, Art in the Basin is having an event at Mon Amour Coffee and Wine, 234 West 238 Street (off Broadway in the Bronx).  It is FREE.  The venue appreciates your purchase of food or drink.  Heather Archibald will share her poetry.  I will be doing stand-up comedy.


    On Thursday, February 6th at 8:30pm, I’ll be performing comedy in Randy Epley’s Comedy Dungeon Show at Kama Central Park Hostel, 36 West 106 Street in the lounge.  It is FREE and you may BYOB.  (B or C train to 103 Street)


            I just wanted you to know of upcoming things.  I’m ending here for now.  



    Love to CGG-M  ❤ ❤ ❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    February 2025





  2. Let's Get Warm Together

    Tuesday, January 21, 2025




    Whew!  I just submitted my grant application for a grant from the Bronx Council on the Arts.  I got it in with 4 ½ hours to spare.  I make myself crazy with deadlines.  Announcements will be in March.  Fingers crossed.  I need the money so badly.  I entered the poetry category.  My confidence fluctuates.  There are moments I believe it is grant-worthy, and then there are moments I hope the judges will appreciate my style.  The hopeful part is there can be more than one winner in a category.  So if they find several to be grant-worthy, there can be several winners.  It depends.  If no one wins for dance or sculpture, etc., that money can be used for multiple winners in another category. 

    The Bronx Council on the Arts has been so enriching and encouraging over the years.  I’ve attended many of their workshops and classes which are free to us.  For me, it offers what I can’t otherwise afford.  And it’s high quality.

    Now, let’s warm up together with laughter this Friday!  9pm at Pangea, 178 Second Avenue near 12th Street, NYC.  Only $15 cover; if you buy your ticket in advance, it’s only $10.  Advance tickets here:  There is a minimum of $20 food/drink; the food is excellent.  Here’s the line-up:

            Laughter guaranteed!



    Love to CGG-M  ❤💕❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    January 21, 2025



  3. Hello 2025

    Monday, January 6, 2025




    Photo by Flash Rosenberg

    Thank goodness the holidays are over for now.  That’s how I feel.  I am grateful that my best buddy and I got together and, by car, brought my December rent check to the rental office on Dec. 31st (how’s that for last minute) and then went to an Indian restaurant for dinner on New Year’s Eve.  It wasn’t planned in advance; it happened spontaneously.  He treated.  We enjoyed each other’s company and conversation.  Since it wasn’t planned, it felt like a bonus.  Earlier that last day of 2024, I was informed that a poem of mine was accepted for the March issue of First Literary Review East.  I am grateful for the communities of which I am part.


    The first day of 2025 was the New Year’s Day Spoken Word Extravanga from 2 to 10pm way down in the West Village.  I was scheduled to read somewhere between 3 and 4pm, but I was quite late and read somewhere after 5pm.  I am glad they don’t have the “You’re late!” attitude.  They put me up later on, and I was welcomed.  Aside from reading three short poems, I presented my divorce t-shirts for sale.  I made a sale, which helped me get through the next two days.  My reading was well received.  I was glad to see many poetry folks I don’t see often, mainly because many are downtown poets and I’m in the Bronx.  It was a good way to start the year.


    Contact me if you’d like a shirt for yourself or as a gift for someone else.  They are unisex and XL.



    I’ll be performing stand-up at Pangea (178 Second Avenue, NYC) on Friday, 1/24/2025 in the 9pm “Eat Drink Laugh” show, produced and hosted by the very funny Paul Hallasy.  It’s always a hilarious time, and we are going to need it.  Tickets $15 at the door ($10 in advance) – and $20 minimum on drink and/or delicious food.  Laughter guaranteed!









    Love to CGG-M ❤❤❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    January 2025










    Well today is Christmas and the first night of Hanukkah.  Hanukkah will conclude in January.  I don’t remember that ever happening before, but I’m sure it must have.  Have a good everything.


    The night before the winter solstice and my birthday was the show at The Artist on City Island.  The weather reports were threatening a snowstorm.  Here in the Bronx, nothing stuck, it was not at all a storm, and we just had wet ground.  However, the comics were coming from Staten Island, Long Island, and Brooklyn.  So for a few hours, I was not sure one of them was going to brave it.  I don’t drive at all, so when a driver feels hesitant about driving in challenging weather, I get it. 


    It all worked out.  Then there was the mystery of how many audience members will show up.  The weather reports were not on our side.  Still, more people came than I thought.  And it was a good show.


            Elliot Glick introducing the show and welcoming the audience warmly.  He's one of my favorite people.


                Me enjoying a comic.



               Helaine showing us how she was coached to pose.



                Half of us looking like the Rockettes.


             My bestie’s girlfriend suggested they take me out to dinner the next day on my birthday.  We went to Neem, an Indian restaurant in Riverdale (in the Bronx, N.Y.).  It was so relaxing, no rushing, no having to get anywhere else.  We ate and talked and drank (well I drank).  It was very nice and generous of them.  It gave me something to look forward to.  I was grateful.


    If you are into starting 2025 with poetry, you might want to attend some of this extravaganza which runs from 2-10pm at 55 Bethune Street in the community room.  It is FREE.  Each reader reads for 3 minutes, so if you don’t like someone, it will end soon.  There is an open mic list included if you want your 3 minutes.  The open mic-ers are usually sprinkled throughout the day.



    The local news breaks my heart – people losing their lives over stupid shit.  Their families devastated at holiday time.  Horrible.  Then a dictator coming into office in January.  God/dess help us all.


    Let’s embrace laughter to help us get through.  The Eat Drink Laugh show at Pangea (NYC) on January 24th at 9pm will lift your spirits.




    Loads of love to CGG-M    ❤❤❤


    Mindy Matijasevic

    December 2024




  5. Fun Stuff & Creepy Stuff

    Saturday, December 7, 2024



        Hi everyone!  A haiku of mine on the theme of winter is published here:

    I'm in here towards the end


        Another poem of mine has been requested to another publication.  That part of my life is going well.


        My show, The Almost-Winter Comedy Show, at The Artist, 249 City Island Avenue, is on 12/20/2024 at 8pm.  Only $15 cover, no minimum, and a hat gets passed around for contributions so I may pay the comics.  There is a vegetarian-friendly menu and delicious desserts to tempt you, but it is not required.  You may even BYOB.  Glasses, ice, and a corkscrew will be provided.  It is a family-run place and very welcoming.


        The desserts are provided by Jenny's Sweets and they are SPECTACULAR!


        The line-up:

    Helaine Witt

    Jose Angel Diaz

    Shelly Colman

    and me!


        This show is my birthday eve, and I hope you want to attend.  I’d love to see you there and hear your laughter.


        I hope everyone had a decent or better Thanksgiving.  Mine started out sort of depressing, but I was expected at a dinner in the evening at my best friend’s house.  It was a vegetarian dinner, delicious, and with great company.  So much sharing, wine, weed, and laughter.  I am so grateful. 


        However, the next evening, someone was ringing my doorbell.  I was not expecting anyone, so I almost didn’t go to the door.  Then I thought maybe it was a package I wasn’t expecting.  I went to the door, looked through the peephole, and it wasn’t anyone in a FedEx or UPS uniform.  I asked, “Who’s there?”  The young (maybe early 20s) man had long hair, maybe in dreadlocks, braids, or twists, and didn’t look at my door, so I only got a profile view.  It seemed he was reading off his phone.  He said that he lost his I-Phone around here and wondered if I had seen it or heard about it.  I told him, “No,” and I added, “Good luck.”  If he thought I would open my door, he got the wrong girl.  I was born and raised here in the Bronx. 


        What I didn’t hear was most significant.  He didn’t ring anyone else’s doorbells.  So this was specific.  I wondered if someone was watching me, or if someone hired someone to do something.  I don’t generally make enemies, but as far as I know, there are some people who think they would like me to be dead.  I was never cruel to them.  Both are connected to a man I chose to not be with.  Draw your own conclusion.  Then there are people in the neighborhood who might feel rejected by me simply because I don’t respond favorably to disrespectful men.  Whatever that person at my door was about, it could’ve been a very Un-Thanksgiving Day After.  Life isn’t boring.  That’s for sure.


        This year, Hanukkah and Christmas begin on the same day.  Amazing.  And for the first time in my memory, Hanukkah will conclude in January.


        Come to my show on 12/20!


    Love always to CGG-M  ❤💕❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    December 2024



    As many of you know, I have a leg in the poetry world and a leg in the comedy world.


    If you appreciate short poems, you will enjoy this event: 



    If you yearn to laugh, come enjoy a comedy show on City Island at The Artist, December 20th, 8pm, only $15 cover and no minimum!

    I was recently part of a research group.  I expected it to feel long and boring, but it actually felt fast and intriguing.  I now hope the check will be fast arriving. 


        With the holidays near, keep this unique, unisex gift in mind for people you know who are glad to once again be independently owned and operated.  20 bucks or 2 for 35.  Extra large.  Contact me at and put t-shirts in the subject.  Thanks.

    Love to CGG-M ❤❤❤

    Mindy Matijasevic, November 2024

  7. We Will Survive, I Hope

    Wednesday, November 13, 2024





        I enjoyed being in and watching the fundraiser comedy show at Pangea on
     11/2/2024.  Paul Hallasy runs a good show – Eat Drink Laugh.  This was his 3rd Comics Love Kamala fundraiser.  I felt proud to be part of two of them.  It was the only way I was able to contribute.



        The show went a lot better than the election results.  (Though there's still over 2 million votes yet to be counted.)


        I feel awful for the families, fleeing violence and death, seeking refuge here.  What a nightmare.

         Somehow, we will survive.  Hopefully thrive.  And we sure need to laugh, so please mark your calendars for my Almost Winter Comedy Show at The Artist, 249 City Island Avenue, on Friday, December 20th at 8pm.  Only $15 cover and no minimum.  There is light fare and delicious desserts (desserts by Jenny's Sweets) available but not required.  And you are even welcome to BYOB! 



        Laughter guaranteed.  There will be a link for advance tickets in a blog within the next few weeks.  Meanwhile, mark your calendars – December 20th @ 8pm.



    Constant love to CGG-M ❤💕❤

    Mindy Matijasevic, Nov. 2024