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  1. A Mustache Mystery & a Comedy Show

    Monday, March 10, 2025



    A Mustache Mystery & a Comedy Show


    Four days after the incident in my last blog entry, Jose (the man who takes care of Mustache the cat) saw me in the deli.  I nodded to him, trying to keep our new status of ‘not enemies’ alive.  He came over, referred to me respectfully as Miss, and told me, as he struggled through English, that Mustache left and hasn’t been back for a whole day.  He told me that he saw on the camera where she headed, but she didn’t return.  He said that in the past year, she once left for two days and did return.  That felt hopeful. 

    Mustache is very smart and skillful.  She’s an indoor/outdoor cat.  For years, she has navigated the world outside – people, dogs, other cats, cars, weather, etc. – and always knew when to wait by the door of the store until someone opened it and she’d run inside.  A real survivor.  I’m remaining hopeful. 


    Those of you who know and those of you who want to find out how hilarious women comics can be, come to my Almost Spring Comedy Show at The Artist, 249 City Island Avenue, on Friday, March 14th at 8pm (7:50 for seating of your choice).  In honor of Women’s History Month, the wonderful comics are:

    Lisa Harmon


    Linda Marcus Smith


    Rachael Parenta


    And me, Mindy Matijasevic


          I hope so much you get there, enjoy the island and the comedy.  You may get your tickets in advance or pay at the show.

    Almost Spring Comedy Show


    UPDATE: Mustache returned after two days and nights.  Thank God/dess.  Jose said that Mustache came back all dirty.  Where she’d been remains a mystery.  


    Constant love to CGG-M ❤ ❤ ❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    March 10, 2025

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