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  1. A Mustache Mystery & a Comedy Show

    Monday, March 10, 2025



    A Mustache Mystery & a Comedy Show


    Four days after the incident in my last blog entry, Jose (the man who takes care of Mustache the cat) saw me in the deli.  I nodded to him, trying to keep our new status of ‘not enemies’ alive.  He came over, referred to me respectfully as Miss, and told me, as he struggled through English, that Mustache left and hasn’t been back for a whole day.  He told me that he saw on the camera where she headed, but she didn’t return.  He said that in the past year, she once left for two days and did return.  That felt hopeful. 

    Mustache is very smart and skillful.  She’s an indoor/outdoor cat.  For years, she has navigated the world outside – people, dogs, other cats, cars, weather, etc. – and always knew when to wait by the door of the store until someone opened it and she’d run inside.  A real survivor.  I’m remaining hopeful. 


    Those of you who know and those of you who want to find out how hilarious women comics can be, come to my Almost Spring Comedy Show at The Artist, 249 City Island Avenue, on Friday, March 14th at 8pm (7:50 for seating of your choice).  In honor of Women’s History Month, the wonderful comics are:

    Lisa Harmon


    Linda Marcus Smith


    Rachael Parenta


    And me, Mindy Matijasevic


          I hope so much you get there, enjoy the island and the comedy.  You may get your tickets in advance or pay at the show.

    Almost Spring Comedy Show


    UPDATE: Mustache returned after two days and nights.  Thank God/dess.  Jose said that Mustache came back all dirty.  Where she’d been remains a mystery.  


    Constant love to CGG-M ❤ ❤ ❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    March 10, 2025




    Those of you who are regular readers know I have a strong friendship with Mustache who lives in a nearby discount store. 


    Well tonight (Monday), I went out at about 9:30 to go to a couple of stores.  From up the block, I saw a cat outside of that discount store trying to get in, but the gate was down and the store was closed.  The markings looked like Mustache, but in the street, she looked smaller than how she looks in the store.  As I got closer, I saw it was her.  She was meowing to me as if I could get her inside. 

    I wondered if I should take her home for the night.  It felt cold out there.  But she’s not a house cat as much as she’s a 198th Street cat.  As much as she loves me, I don’t feel sure she’d let me carry her for a few blocks.  Then it occurred to me to go into the 24-hour deli and see if they could do anything.  It’s one family that runs both stores, and I thought they may have the keys and be able to solve this.  I went in and told the man behind the counter that Mustache the cat was locked out of the store across the street.  He asked if she was outside the store right now.  I told him yes and that she was meowing for help.  He yelled, “Jose!” and I felt so relieved. 

    Jose is the man who feeds her and deals with her physical needs.  He’s also the man who once made enemies with me some years ago (I think for loving the cat – go figure).  Apparently tonight, after locking up, he went to the deli.  But when he heard that Mustache was locked out of the store, he hurried to fix that.  I told him that I was going with him so she knows I got help.  He told me she’s done this twice before.  He unlocked the gate and lifted it up.  I petted her.  I told Jose that I was glad he was still here.  Jose thanked me sincerely.  Maybe he realized that other people loving his cat is not a bad thing.  I think that moment may have changed our status from enemies to not enemies.

    Whether it is God, Goddess, the Universe, or something else, I am so glad I was out there when I was.

    Now, March 14th at 8pm is my Almost Spring Comedy Show at The Artist, 249 City Island Avenue.  Only $15 cover and NO minimum.  You may even BYOB!  There is a menu of light fare and delicious desserts available for purchase -- quite tempting but not required.  For Women's History Month, it is an all-female line-up.  Lisa Harmon, Linda Marcus Smith, Rachael Parenta, and me!  Laughter guaranteed.

    City Island is a lovely village-like atmosphere, filled with seafood restaurants and other options as well.  Spend the day, enjoy the shops, the foods, and then come to The Artist by 8pm for comedy and dessert.

    Hope to see you there and hear you laughing.




    Huge love to CGG-M  ❤ 💕 ❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    March 4, 2025

  3. Good Times to Be Had

    Monday, February 24, 2025




    Hello everyone.  If you’d enjoy an evening of poetry, song, and an open mic, come on over to the Green Pavilion in Brooklyn on Wednesday, February 26th at 7pm.  4307 18th Avenue Sign up for the open mic if you’d like to share a poem, short prose, song, dance, or a short comedy set.  This is a very long-running, successful reading series produced and curated by Evie Ivy, poet, belly dancer, good human being.


    I, along with poets Evelyn Katz and Sylvia Rivera and singer/musician Peter Vecchio will be featuring.  And YOU (if you desire) at the open mic.  Sure to be a good evening!


    F train to 18th Avenue, last car, right staircase out, about 1/2 block from the corner you will be standing on.  $6.50 min. food purchase, inexpensive, varied menu. $4 suggested donation to reading.  



    Now, my comedy fans, mark your calendars for Friday, 3/14/2025 @ 8pm.  My Almost Spring Comedy Show will be at The Artist, 249 City Island Avenue in the Bronx.  (#6 train to Pelham Bay and then the #29 bus to City Island.)  Here is the hilarious line-up:


    Rachael Parenta


    Lisa Harmon


    Linda Marcus Smith


    And me, of course! 


    Unlike many comedy shows, it is only $15 cover and NO minimum.  You may even BYOB.  Friendly staff will provide corkscrew, glass, ice, whatever.  A menu of light fare and delicious desserts* is available and tempting but not required.  Laughter is guaranteed!!!


     *Jenny’s Sweets


    So much love to CGG-M  ❤💕❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    February 2025


  4. The Natural High From Performing

    Tuesday, February 11, 2025




    When I get my azz out there to perform, I feel so good from it.  Last week, at the AITB – Art in the Basin event at Mon Amour Coffee and Wine, I had a great time.  A poet I enjoy, Heather Archibald, was a feature, and I was asked to perform comedy as the other feature.  Additionally there was an open mic. 

    Time was tight, so I ended up doing a shorter set than I was prepared to do.  That was fine with me.  I prefer being over-prepared.  It’s a hybrid event, so some of the audience is Zooming in on-line while others are right there in person.  

    I was happy to be videotaped, but disappointed that the video didn’t pick up the audience reactions.  There was laughter throughout, and there was one attendee who had something to shout out a few times during my set.  One example:  When, toward the end of a bit about ‘no balls,’ I said that I like the way my jeans fit, he yelled out, “I like the way your jeans fit too.”  It all became part of everything, but when I watched the video, my voice was the only one heard.  Video aside, I had a great experience. 

    I feel fortunate to have become to know Tim W. Brown and Amy Joy Robateau, who are such welcoming and supportive hosts and contribute loving vibes to the community.  God/dess knows, we need it.  I believe Ron Marc Trenkler-Thomson (Bronx Art & Fun Hub had something to do with the connection happening, then further supported by John A. Todras (half of the Elegant Ivory Duo – both extremely supportive people.

    From left to right:  Tim W. Brown, me, Amy Joy Robateau, and Heather Archibald.

    I had my annual lung scan yesterday.  That was the easy part.  On 2/21, I have to meet with the doctor to discuss the results.  THAT’S the hard part.  My buddy is taking me and will be with me.  I want to be on this Earth for many more years.  I finally got it more together than I had for so long, but health issues give me SOOOO much anxiety. 

    Onto happier things – on Wednesday, February 26th, I’ll be featuring as a poet at Evie Ivy’s reading series at the Green Pavilion, 4307 18th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY (F train to 18th Avenue station, then a 2-minute walk).  Reasonable prices, well attended, and typically a very satisfying evening.  Evie is a warm and welcoming host.  Sign up for the open mic if you’d like to share something.  It’s a supportive audience.

    By the way, if you are looking for a unique and unisex gift, and if this applies, contact me.



    Mark your calendar for March 14, 2025, at 8pm for comedy at The Artist on City Island!  Only $15 cover and NO minimum!  You may even BYOB!  More details in the next blog.

    Shout out to Jaye for warming my heart with a Valentine card.  This person has been a bright light in my life since I met her some years ago.  She lifts my spirits with each contact.  It seems amazing to me that whenever I’m thinking of her strongly, I hear from her the next day or two.  I feel like I pick up on her energy or she on mine. 


    Constant love to CGG-M  ❤💕❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    February 2025

  5. A Few Updates

    Sunday, February 2, 2025



    Hi people.  The Eat Drink Laugh show at Pangea two Fridays ago was great.  We performed for an almost full house which was wonderful.  It had me buzzing for a few days following the show.



    Next Tuesday, February 4th from 7-8pm, Art in the Basin is having an event at Mon Amour Coffee and Wine, 234 West 238 Street (off Broadway in the Bronx).  It is FREE.  The venue appreciates your purchase of food or drink.  Heather Archibald will share her poetry.  I will be doing stand-up comedy.


    On Thursday, February 6th at 8:30pm, I’ll be performing comedy in Randy Epley’s Comedy Dungeon Show at Kama Central Park Hostel, 36 West 106 Street in the lounge.  It is FREE and you may BYOB.  (B or C train to 103 Street)


            I just wanted you to know of upcoming things.  I’m ending here for now.  



    Love to CGG-M  ❤ ❤ ❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    February 2025





  6. Let's Get Warm Together

    Tuesday, January 21, 2025




    Whew!  I just submitted my grant application for a grant from the Bronx Council on the Arts.  I got it in with 4 ½ hours to spare.  I make myself crazy with deadlines.  Announcements will be in March.  Fingers crossed.  I need the money so badly.  I entered the poetry category.  My confidence fluctuates.  There are moments I believe it is grant-worthy, and then there are moments I hope the judges will appreciate my style.  The hopeful part is there can be more than one winner in a category.  So if they find several to be grant-worthy, there can be several winners.  It depends.  If no one wins for dance or sculpture, etc., that money can be used for multiple winners in another category. 

    The Bronx Council on the Arts has been so enriching and encouraging over the years.  I’ve attended many of their workshops and classes which are free to us.  For me, it offers what I can’t otherwise afford.  And it’s high quality.

    Now, let’s warm up together with laughter this Friday!  9pm at Pangea, 178 Second Avenue near 12th Street, NYC.  Only $15 cover; if you buy your ticket in advance, it’s only $10.  Advance tickets here:  There is a minimum of $20 food/drink; the food is excellent.  Here’s the line-up:

            Laughter guaranteed!



    Love to CGG-M  ❤💕❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    January 21, 2025



  7. Hello 2025

    Monday, January 6, 2025




    Photo by Flash Rosenberg

    Thank goodness the holidays are over for now.  That’s how I feel.  I am grateful that my best buddy and I got together and, by car, brought my December rent check to the rental office on Dec. 31st (how’s that for last minute) and then went to an Indian restaurant for dinner on New Year’s Eve.  It wasn’t planned in advance; it happened spontaneously.  He treated.  We enjoyed each other’s company and conversation.  Since it wasn’t planned, it felt like a bonus.  Earlier that last day of 2024, I was informed that a poem of mine was accepted for the March issue of First Literary Review East.  I am grateful for the communities of which I am part.


    The first day of 2025 was the New Year’s Day Spoken Word Extravanga from 2 to 10pm way down in the West Village.  I was scheduled to read somewhere between 3 and 4pm, but I was quite late and read somewhere after 5pm.  I am glad they don’t have the “You’re late!” attitude.  They put me up later on, and I was welcomed.  Aside from reading three short poems, I presented my divorce t-shirts for sale.  I made a sale, which helped me get through the next two days.  My reading was well received.  I was glad to see many poetry folks I don’t see often, mainly because many are downtown poets and I’m in the Bronx.  It was a good way to start the year.


    Contact me if you’d like a shirt for yourself or as a gift for someone else.  They are unisex and XL.



    I’ll be performing stand-up at Pangea (178 Second Avenue, NYC) on Friday, 1/24/2025 in the 9pm “Eat Drink Laugh” show, produced and hosted by the very funny Paul Hallasy.  It’s always a hilarious time, and we are going to need it.  Tickets $15 at the door ($10 in advance) – and $20 minimum on drink and/or delicious food.  Laughter guaranteed!









    Love to CGG-M ❤❤❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    January 2025