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    The fundraiser comedy show on September 5th was grrrrreat!  It was well attended and very enjoyed.  Amongst the almost full house, were seven of my guests, and I was so thrilled.  My long-time friend Judy (4 decades and some years), two of my favorite former co-workers when I worked the graveyard shift as a proofreader, Lia and Cicely, a friend and former co-worker from a teaching job, Mindy L, a co-actress and new friend from A Sketch of Pride, Laura, a co-background-actor from a gig, Lazare, and Lazare brought a lovely guest. I was very happily surprised by some who I didn’t know were coming.  Lazare used one of my phrases from my comedy when we spoke after the show, and he absolutely cracked me up.  And the way his guest, a young, beautiful woman, was thanking me, I felt pretty sure it wasn’t about the laughs as much as a feeling of empowerment.  (My ex-husband once told me, “No matter what you do, it always ends up being social work.”)

    $255 in ticket sales was raised and sent to Act Blue by Paul Hallasy, the producer of the Eat Drink Laugh show at Pangea (NYC).

    I not only enjoyed performing, I very much enjoyed watching.  The funny people photographed:                           


            A few days later, I felt sick.  I don’t know where I caught something or if I made anyone else sick.  I hope not.  I didn’t have home tests to check for Covid, but I kept sniffing my tea and my armpits and could still smell things.  So I hoped it was just a bad cold.  It’s lasted nine days.  I’ve had Covid twice before, and this didn’t feel like that.  Thank God/dess, I feel much better now though not 100% yet but getting there.


    While the weather is still so nice, come on out to enjoy City Island this Friday, 9/20/2024.  Spend the day if possible.  You can walk the island and check out the unique shops, eat seafood or other options, feed the seagulls if that feels good to you, and then come to The Artist (249 City Island Avenue) by 8pm for hilarious comedy and delicious desserts. Tickets can be bought in advance here:



    This show is only $15 cover and NO minimum!  You may even BYOB!  Light fare and delicious desserts by  available for purchase, but not required … though very tempting.


    249 City Island Avenue

    Flier by Flash Rosenberg

    I hope to see ya.  Laughter absolutely guaranteed.

    So much love to CGG-M  ❤💕❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    September 2024

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