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  1. What a Month!

    Tuesday, July 2, 2024



    June began gently.  I committed to attend a poetry reading at Lehman Stages on June 13th at 7pm, which was great!  I knew I had my comedy show on City Island scheduled for June 14th.  Then I saw that Thaddeus Rutkowski was offering a free writing workshop on June 19th at 7pm.  I registered for that. 

            Since I haven’t been teaching, I’ve been sitting too much and could benefit from more structure and motion in my life.  I decided to jump on an opportunity to be part of the alumni show from A Sketch of New York Productions.  For June, they were going to put on their Sketch of Pride Show.  I have wanted to be part of an alumni show for a few years, but I had health issues, then the pandemic occurred, etc.  I decided this was the time.  The show involved 3 rehearsals a week from the beginning of June.  I’ve never written sketches, but they welcomed those alumni who were only in it to act.  I did learn from my peers about sketch writing, but didn’t get to write any this time.  I feel I might be able to do it for a future alumni show. 

            In 3 weeks, we discussed and brainstormed, wrote sketches, (mostly) learned lines, and performed 3 shows at the Producers Club.  Each evening after the show, I was approached by audience members sharing their appreciation of my performance, accent, and presence.  I hope I live long enough to benefit further from this feedback.

            In the midst of it all, I was hired for a 3-day job paying $800.  It required me to miss one rehearsal day, and to be in midtown on a mock jury before 9am (not my nature) for 3 consecutive days.  We were treated well, fed and paid well, but it challenged my energy.  I was able to stay motivated because it was all or nothing.  If one didn’t finish the entire 3 days, no pay.  I needed that $800 to settle a few bills.  I needed it badly.  I got through it, though not easily.  Whew.

            On the evening of Thaddeus’ workshop, I walked from the rehearsal at 
    44th St. and 9th Avenue to 30th and 8th to save carfare.  The workshop was worth it.

            Two days after the Sketch of Pride performances, I was in a comedy show at Pangea.  It’s the Eat Drink Laugh show produced by Paul Hallasy.  It was a lot of fun.  I enjoyed not only being in it, but I loved watching it as well.

            After all this, I was like this:


    So much love to CGG-M ❤❤❤
    Mindy Matijasevic
    July 2024



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