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  1. Eventually I Do Find the Funny

    Tuesday, July 30, 2024






        People, I’m featuring along with two very talented writers on Wednesday, July 31st at 7pm at the Green Pavilion.  Here’s the info from Evie Ivy:

    The Green Pavilion Poetry Event
    4307-18th Avenue, Bk   *                  *                        *

    Bring your poetry, music, and song.

    F train to 18th Avenue, last cars, right staircase out, about 1/2 block from the corner you will be standing on. 6.50 min. food purchase, inexpensive, varied menu. $4 suggested donation to reading. .              *                                                  *                             *

    Short bios:*

    Jim Hart has published five poetry books: "Ramblings Of A One-Eyed Garbage Man," "A Handful of Smoke,” “Just Another Friday Night in Brooklyn,” “Loving Sue,” and “Missing Sue.” Three have been in the top fifty on Amazon, published three novels in the award winning: “Harry Parker Mystery Series.” His work’s appeared overseas, including New Zealand and So. Africa. Featured at: B&N, NYC Poets Society, Brooklyn Public Lib.,Inspired Word Poetry Series, and many other venues.


    Mindy Matijasevic writes poetry, memoir, and her comedy material.  She has twice been a recipient of a B.R.I.O. award (Bronx Recognizes Its Own) from the Bronx Council on the Arts – once for non-fiction literature and once for poetry.  Her writing has been published in Home Planet NewsLynx EyeNYC From The Inside, and many other journals and anthologies.


    Prince A. McNally is a teaching and performance poet from Brooklyn, N.Y., who facilitates workshops through schools and outreach programs; utilizing poetry and creative writing as a means of expression and self-discovery. His work has appeared in numerous publications across the U.S. and abroad. He has been nominated for Best of The Net, and the Pushcart Poetry Prize.



        Even if you don’t enjoy much poetry, I do believe you will enjoy this experience.  Though you are invited to bring something to the open mic, feel free to just sit back, have a bite or a drink, and be an enthusiastic listener.


        I recently had a very positive dream with me and my son.  It was the most hopeful experience I’ve had in a while.  I love that person, always have and always will.  ❤❤❤

        On another positive note, I was invited to perform my stand-up at a comedy show which will be a fundraiser for Kamala Harris.  I haven’t had spare dollars to donate anywhere in years, so at least this is something I can do.  If Trump and Vance get in, this country does not deserve women. 


        Maybe, as a comic, I’ll eventually find the funny in that, but I’m not anywhere near that point now.  My path to funny takes a while.





    Constant love to CGG-M ❤❤❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    July 2024






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