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    There’s a change in the line-up for my June 14th show at The Artist on City Island.  Joe Fulton had an accident that prevents him from being in the show.  We are fortunate to have the hilarious comedian and actor, Bob Greenberg!  I hope to have Joe Fulton in a future show as he had me cracking up when I saw him perform.


    The Artist is located at 249 City Island Avenue, City Island, the Bronx, NY.  #6 train to Pelham Bay Park and then the #29 bus to City Island.  The updated line-up:

    Tom Brennan

    Bob Greenberg

    Paul Hallasy

     and me, of course ...

            I was heading out tonight getting up my courage to ask some stores for credit ‘til Monday.  I walked in the street near the parked cars.  I looked down to avoid dog poop and to avoid falling.  I saw a $20 bill!  I bent down to pick it up, and it was indeed a $20 bill.  I thanked God/dess and all who might be looking out for me from Heaven.  Those are some special moments.


    Several poems of mine have been accepted for an anthology.  That’s a real pick-me-up.


    I’m going to be in the latest production of A Sketch of New York.  was in their show several years ago (before the pandemic) and had a great time.  This is their “Pride” show and will be performed on 6/21, 22, and 23.  Details to come.  I told them I have searched for my inner lesbian but didn’t find her.  I’m sexually attracted to men though I find them difficult in general.  However, I think I’m accepted in the “Pride” show as an ally.  It’s always a good show.  Hope you’ll want to attend.


    Rehearsals begin on Monday 6/3.  I think in many ways, this will be good for me.  I need some structure in my life.



    Love always to CGG-M ❤❤❤

    Mindy Matijasevic, June 2024





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