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    The show last Friday on City Island turned out very well.  The people who run The Artist make me feel so welcome and appreciated.  It’s a great way to start the evening. 


    My buddy Bob and friend Ilona drove me to the place.  Otherwise it would have been a 3-bus, stress-filled trip.


    I was honored to be joined by these folks:  Joanne Filan, Jose Angel Diaz, and Leighann Lord.


    Plus, we had a Columbia Journalism student, Isabel, interviewing and taping Leighann Lord and Joanne Filan for a documentary she is doing for school.


    I was very honored by surprise gifts sent to me at the place – an amazing bouquet with vase, water, and flower food plus a bottle of champagne.  The flowers live longer in my house than the champagne.  Lilies are still opening and making me smile whenever I walk past the bouquet.  The person who sent them told me she couldn’t be at the show but would be there in spirit with a cocktail in her hand and a smile on her face.  She did more than that.  It was amazing.  I’m not used to the royal treatment.  It feels good.  I should get used to it.


    Audience members teased that it was from a man.  I announced, “Actually, it’s from a woman.” 


    After the show and the hugs (yes, I hugged people!), my friends Judy and Steven and I went to a nearby bar at their outdoor seating.  The weather was perfect.  We hardly get to hang out together, so it was a treat.  To our surprise, many people we don’t know came over to us to talk about all kinds of things.  One yelled from across the street to a man outside the bar about a woman who left the bar, “She wanted to s—k your d—k!”  Then he saw my bouquet and us and came over to apologize for his language and went on and on about how he loves his mother, etc., etc.  More things like that went on.  By the end of the night, I told my friends, “I now officially consider City Island the Bronx.”  We closed the bar.  Judy drove me home at about 4:00am.


    I truly enjoyed the entire night and, unlike when I was younger, I was tired for the following two days.


    My next show at The Artist will be Friday, October 22nd.  Mark your calendars.  Another line-up I’m proud of.  I’m so glad to be doing this again.

    Constant love to CGG-M  ❤❤❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    August 2021

  2. 8 comments:

    1. Thst picture of you says it all! So glad it went well. I knew it would. Sorry not to be the one who sent bouquet, but I’m sort of immersed in my own stuff..

    2. Kathryn, don't be sorry about anything. You've always been supportive to me.
      Thanks for reading and commenting.

    3. Joanne said...

      You definitely deserve the royal treatment. You are fabulous!

    4. Maria said...
      This comment has been removed by the author.
    5. Maria said...

      Mindy! Congratulations so happy for you and glad you made it to 'da Bronx. Love your humor and joy. Maria.

    6. I live in the Bronx, but unless someone drives me to City Island, it is 3 buses.

    7. Unknown said...

      It was a great night! Wanna do it again before october!!!!

    8. Wow! Glad you had this wonderful night. Terrific!

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