I was paragraphs deep when I realized I was writing a Throw Back Thursday (#TBT) blog in reply to a face book question.
My gorgeous pal, actress/comedian/producer,

asked, "Have you ever been so late to work you think, Hmmm, maybe I should just go home"?
Why, yes, I thought. And here is what I wrote...
One afternoon I went to pick up my new car from the dealer.
I had to open for Tony Orlando at Westbury Music Fair later that night.
At the dealership they sent me from one office to another, from one pile of papers to sign to another. "No, I don't want 'invisible ' under-siding!" All the time the clock ticking away.
Hours later I drove my new car right into NYC rush hour traffic.
With my 7 year old son in tow in that pre-cell phone / pre-GPS era. I got lost. Had to stop for directions twice & wished I had never decided to pick up my car on the same day I had a major gig.
When I finally got to Westbury late & sweaty with my kid, I couldn't find the artists' back stage entrance. It was past showtime when I finally got to the correct door, but they wouldn't let me in.
My 7 year old son started crying & demanding I be allowed to do my comedy.
When my son had to pee, we were finally led to my dressing room, where I made calls to my agent, manager & God Almighty. At some point way past showtime, a PA advised me that Tony Orlando was going to explain to the crowd why I was late.
He did & gave me a fabulous introduction. I've loved him forever for not only allowing me to go on and have a great set on that fantastic stage, but he was MY OPENING ACT. I hate being late!
Rhonda Hansome is an actress, director & storyteller who does stand-up. See her calendar here!
Please Note, tonight's (Thursday Nov. 12, 2015) Funny Over 40 show at Broadway Comedy Club, was canceled until further notice after the holidays.
enjoyed the story and the photos!
that is soo cool!!
Thank you very much, Mindy Matijasevic & Sharon Renay