I emerged from the sultry heat of the MTA onto 6th Avenue. I met late afternoon humidity and much more activity than expected for this usually hectic commercial strip just north of 16th St.

As I approached Bed Bath & Beyond, the daytime street was ablaze with the flashing lights of NYPD vehicles; the side walk teeming with earnest bodies moving forward.
It seems the controversial death of Sandra Bland

And too many others, had generated more than the hashtag, #IfIDieInPoliceCustody
I was delighted.
I would have joined the throng but I had a quick purchase to make and yet another destination.
I no longer take umbrage when not recognized at comedy clubs, even those I headlined in a previous life! I took the bouncer's inquiry and instructions in stride as I made my way to Gotham's Vintage Lounge where I've performed many times. Tonight I wasn't performing.
I was there to see my my pal Sunda, in from the coast, headlining this hotter than hot show.
The jokes were deep, wide and far flung! This show easily put to rest the non-issue,
"Why are there no beautiful funny women comics?"
Each, funnier than the next, provoked raucous laughter from the room.
Kudos to all, especially the visionary producer Agunda Okeyo
Sunda knows me from my days as a TV talk show regular, Catskills comedy queen, Vegas lounge act and touring opener for national music acts.
I've got to admit, it's nice to be around folks who recognize me.
It was a great day of support for sisters.
Rhonda Hansome is a writer, director and actress who does stand up comedy. Sometimes she marches in civil, social and human rights demonstrations.
Great blog. It's good to see the fighting spirit of people -- I admit, sometimes I have it and sometimes I don't.
That line-up looks smart and beautiful.
It does feel nice to be recognized.