in my
So, when the price gouging numbers return to their eyepopping norm of more than double ...
... I'll be good until the gas industry's traditional summer
"The sky's the limit price hike!"
$20.00 Dollars for a full tank of gas is a bargain & so is $20 bucks for a full tank of laughs &
with me headling
Divorced Divas Of Comedy Valentine Show!
8 PM Sat. Feb. 14th
Clarion Theatre
309 East 26th St. NYC
This show's not just for "lovers".
We've got guffaws for everyone: Are you a
Hater, Player, Shy, Retiring or Retired; Single, Married, Divorced or Recovering? Click
for reserved tickets!
See you Saturday enjoying the laughter...
Rhonda Hansome is an actress, director, teaching artist, comedy coach and Dodo in the wilderness of social media; seeking likes, follows, reblogs & reposts until the matrix implodes or she hits the lotto. BTW, yes, she did lose all font size control during this blog.
That eye popping photo is hilarious. Looking forward to this show!!!!!!
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