These are some men who I’d be interested in knowing
more personally. This is only a selection of a bigger list.
Some are dead. (This would include my father. We only knew of each other. I was fortunate for my first eleven years to have a grandfather who cared about me.)
Some are gay.
Meet the black, gay, badass pacifist mastermind behind
the March on Washington who is finally getting his due.

Some are gay and dead.
Some are already in very committed relationships.

Some do not know I exist.
One thing they all seem to have in common is their
feminism (as you may know, making life right for all women ultimately
means a better life for children, men, animals, and the planet).
I respect those who oppose and are sickened by oppression in all its
forms and define manhood for themselves.
(I respect and thank God for a woman for the same reasons, opposing
oppression in all its forms and defining womanhood for herself, showing all of
us more choices.)
Back to the men. I could be on someone’s list too whose interest I am
not aware of.
Good Tues Mindy, this was excellent. The world needs more feminist brothers. The more men underdsand that women are/have always been treated "less than" men the sooner they will understand WHY WE'RE SO PISSSSSSSED!
My dear Susy/Melinda, I am not even thinking about what they understand anymore. Individuals that are in motion inside and growing eventually (I hope) realize that their true power doesn't come from how hard they can keep someone else down. The more we all develop our own selves, the better. Aside from that, I hope you got a chuckle at the possibilities of whose list I'm on. :-)
I liked the twist at the end. LOL Hopefully you don't get a sext from Weiner!
Thanks, Lisa. And ya made me laugh.