My own personal 3 Stooges:
Coulda/ Woulda/ Shoulda,
whirled in my head like hurricane Sandy leaving my mind a ravaged Jersey shore. In spite of the storm raging in my head I heard, (bewilderment, befuddlement, bemusement?) tucked beneath Twinkie’s nonchalant question, “Where do you see yourself?” Where do I see myself when I’ve decided to end my nearly decade long hiatus from the comedy scene? Making a list and checking it thrice. My “To Do” list rivaled the ambitions of
Hanging out and exchanging business cards with
associates had changed -make that ended - make that dead ended. During my
absence from the scene, the ubiquitous “business card” had disappeared faster
than a Nubian Ibex in a flock of vultures.
Hanging out had morphed into a totally (I dare not say “totes”) virtual experience. To gather (in a manor of speaking) with like minded people, I joined
groups on LinkedIn and Face Book and engaged in vociferous conversations with
people I did not know, like or care about.
I think
I’m getting the hang of it now!
“Electronic Presence”
While I was ‘away’ not only did business cards
disappear, but so did the usefulness of live performance save for it being an
opportunity to record and post to the internet on any number of ‘platforms’ and
websites including YouTube. I have lost
count of the videos I’ve viewed that are poorly composed in bad or NO lighting, with crappy sound AND inane
content; all racking up tons of ‘‘hits’ & ‘comments’ – electronic presence
currency. I was told of one person whose
“numbers” were through the roof. His
content consisted of taking a dump on camera.
Get out of my way I want in on this!
I got my website up, running & almost
interactive. I offer short comedy clips
but WITHOUT an app that requires visitors to register or subscribe thereby
“capturing the visitor’s contact info; my bad. I lose 2 points. My website, www.RhondaHansome.com
is a lovely sentence with a dangling participle. I’m on GigSalad where I
consistently underbid on job possibilities and never book even one. I ask every new friend (actually FaceBook
strangers I would not know if on fire in front of me) to press the laugh button
under MyComedyBook.com/RhondaHansome
in hopes to be the featured comic in a corner of cyber space populated
ENTIRELY by funny people.
In spite of the fact I STILL have no concrete
evidence that “social media” will lead to anything other than severe carpal
tunnel syndrome; I threw myself into the social media fray with an abandon surpassed only by the enthusiasm of
divers on Splash.
I actively post on twitter, FaceBook, tumblr, and have been asked by more than several online
groups to limit or cease & desist my voluminous contributions. Oh and if you are reading this there is no
need to mention I blog. Every damn THURSDAY I
spew heart, soul and funny. My little spoon hitting a tin cup in the clattering
cacophony of the bloated blogosphere. Well after taking a $400.00 course in social media, I became an overzealous convert determined to get my money’s worth…someday.
And this is where Twinkie comes in. I’d resisted paying to ‘interact’ with a
Casting Director until I finally realized that if I did not pay I would not ever
be seen and considered in the running for possible paying work.
Twinkie Byrd
had a track record, she cast projects that actually hired black folks, and she had the most adorable name. What’s $40.00 for 5 minutes Alex?
To be continued...
She so funny - she kill me. Loving your use of the English language as always - your descriptions, analogies and euphemisms are a scream. And Twinkie Byrd is a Gas Gas Gas!
High praise. Thank you!
I bow before you! ;-)
this is like a soap opera where one meeting is told in episodes that last for weeks. i'm dying here. lol
Love the post, Rhonda.... Omorosa... brings back memories... You're an inspiration! ~S