“Could you stop looking at me all judgmental like my mother?!” he said pointing to me. I was so off guard. I went hysterical laughing. That may have been the funniest moment of his set. I was absolutely hysterical. I had to give him credit. He was in the moment, he reacted to what he saw, and it made us laugh.
Last Friday night, I was supposed
to be judgmental. I was judging a
comedy competition. I’d never done that
before (except privately in my head, at least I thought it was private). I didn’t know if I was going to be the only
judge. That thought made me
nervous. I didn’t want everyone’s fate
in my hands. Once there, I was told to
sit at the table where the judges sit.
Plural. Whew. Then I wondered if I’d be the only female
judge. I imagined each comic who
wouldn’t win blaming it on “the cunt.”
To my surprise, there were five judges, and we all were female.
The judges: the woman in the purple top, me (in the black and looking judgmental), the woman with the white blouse, the one in the red pants, and the one in the gold top. Without any conferring, we each were to hold up a card from a stack that was numbered one through ten. The highest and lowest were dropped. The three middle scores were added. There were many contestants; each had three minutes.

The place was Le Poisson Rouge on Bleeker Street in the
Village. In the photo above, you can see the large
drawings on the walls. Those are from
Leah Yerpe’s show. If you remember my
blog of 2/19/2013 called “Body Art,” it talked about my experience posing for
However, I posed after she put her pieces together for this
show. I liked that I knew the artist
whose work hung in the space. It helped
me feel at home in a way. When she
creates her work of me from the photo session, I will share.
They put a comic on first who was not competing. It was for us to set the bar in terms of
scoring. I found that as I drank, the
jokes were not necessarily funnier. I
also discovered that I was one of the tougher scorers. The judges all seemed to take their role
seriously and responsibly. They were
artists of different sorts – poets, singers, actresses, etc. Before the show, some comics looked at us
nervously. I had hoped it wasn’t because
their set was based on us being bitches, sluts, and cunts. That would be something to go up there with
and face a panel of five women judges. I
am pleased to say that I don’t remember feeling repulsed at any time during the
show. I understand being at different
levels of development as a comic, but I can’t stand listening to one’s hatred
and prejudice portrayed as a given, as a premise with which we all begin our
day. I was glad this show offered true
attempts at comedy, some more successful than others, of course. I enjoy watching people develop their
art. There was a man who did his
stand-up upside down. He stood on his
hands and delivered his set. Most
contestants made us laugh.
The host, Advocate of Wordz (that’s his name), was a funny man from the
Bronx. I liked his style. I guess we both speak Bronx in a way. When we met at the bar before the show, I
told him I was so excited to finally be asked
to be judgmental. He laughed and
used it on stage.
The winner of the night’s competition was… Sarah Hartshorne.
You can find Sarah on Facebook.
I definitely would do it again. I had fun.
And a bonus – one of the other judges, K Fhox, gave me her CD, Light Shines Through Me. You can find her on Facebook and at
When I got home and was hanging out with myself, answering
email, and thinking about being a contestant in the next competition, it hit me
how late it was getting and that I had agreed to attend an all-day teacher
conference starting at 8:30 Saturday morning.
It all sounded good when I registered.
The job was picking up the fee.
There were many choices of interesting sounding workshops to take. I enjoy learning and expanding my teacher
repertoire. But late on Friday night, I
looked at the time and said, “Why did I think this was a good idea?”
This post is so awesome! You are so right regarding sooooo many things that are comedy.
I read this the other day and for some reason, my comment didn't post.... AWESOME blog!!! ~S
Thank you both. Always feels good to find comments. Samantha, I found it strange that for days, I had a high amount of viewers and no comments until today. I was actually surprised by both those numbers. I thought something computery happened beyond my comprehension.