Spread the sawdust, cue the calliope and open the tent! Thus begins the basic bread of international spectacle: the circus and its controversy. I’m not talking about the heart stopping perils of the high-wire or the vociferous debate about performing animals. I’m talking about the age old disagreement regarding the absolute foundation of the entertainment… CLOWNS!

There are some poor souls scarred for life from
an early childhood experience. The trauma
could have involved an unwieldy seltzer bottle, a surprising cascade of
confetti or just a frightening mile-wide smile.
The common denominator, you ask?
In every case a big nose, brightly painted, floppy shoe wearing, overzealous
clown. Clowns you either love them or
hate them.
One ambitious summer I studied clowning. Through no fault fault of the instructor, I failed juggling, unicycle
riding and whoopee cushion. I admit my attention was divided, as I was also in a mime intensive at the time.
Okay write your own joke here. I’ll blog about mimes some other time.
Clowns fascinate me. And tomorrow night, because Mister and Missus
Clown (aka Mike Smith Rivera and Kelly Anne Burns) have invited
me to perform, I get the honor of mixing it up with a gaggle of clowns in
Night Circus.
Join me and a cluster of clowns in a spectacular evening
of vaudeville entertainment including the music of Sir Richard Kent Green, the
Fool School Academy players* and a dance party after the show!
10 PM Saturday January 26, Workshop Theater
Company, 312 West 35th St. 4th fl.
Reserve your ticket here and look for me after
the show. I’m the one with the big
feet – really, I'm size 11!
*Margo HAMBONE Hammond, Missus Cordelia Clown,
Claire PEPPERMINT PATSY Patterson, Stephania Diana CURLY BURLY Shramm, Richard
Kent CRUMP Green
sounds like fun. fix the day or date. friday is the 25th.
John Wayne Gacy was a clown.
It's on Sat. the 26th.
Thank you for catching the typo! You are correct. The show is tonight! come laugh with/at me.